Very nice. Great work on this one!
Very nice. Great work on this one!
Very nice. Very smooth lines!
Thanks for the compliment :) <3
Very nice. Love the editing on the symbol at the center. Great work!
Thank you :)
Very nice. A schmoop should be defined as the product of the reaction between gorm and a schmoop-base that holds some level of Zimborp. It seems like the more Zimborp a schmoop-base requires to become a schmoop, the more eyes the schmoop-base has (i.e. Gomx having one and Plubbub having five). It should also be considered that the interaction between gorm and a schmoop-base makes the schmoop-base take a more abstract and twisted form. Perhaps if we were to acquire access to more schmoop-bases, we could uncover more forms of schmoops. Thank you for reading my report on my research of schmoops. My source is that I made it up.
Very nice! I should've looked at this sooner. Great work!
Very nice! Great work on the background and linework Rojo!
Very nice. Love the brush texture! Great work on this one.
Very nice. Shading and linework looks great! Nice work.
I like cock
Very nice, great shading!
Creative most of the time
Pushing my limits
Joined on 1/26/22